Tag: Autonomous

A Java Example for Oracle Application Continuity with Autonomous Database

Introduction Oracle Application Continuity hides database interruptions from end-users and applications. A simple test using SQL*Plus was discussed in this blog post. However, SQL*Plus is usually not your real application that will be used in production. Also, SQL*Plus is not a pooled application, and it’s recommended to use Connection Pools for Application Continuity. This blog…

Greater Security with Crypto-secure Data Management in Oracle Autonomous Database

Introduction Oracle Autonomous Database provides a fully automated, self-securing database service with a wide range of security features, including: Always-on Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) to secure your data at rest. Automated encrypted backups. SQL*Net encryption for client connections. Oracle-managed and customer-managed encryption keys. Access Control Lists to restrict access to trusted sources only. Database Vault…

10+ Reasons why AWS RDS is not an option for Oracle Database High Availability

Introduction AWS Relational Database Service (RDS) provides a managed service for several database engines, including Oracle. It offers automation for administration tasks like provisioning, patching, and backup. Hence, it is often compared to Oracle Autonomous Database on Shared Exadata Infrastructure. However, the differences are tremendous, especially (and not only) regarding database high availability. This is…

50 seconds to your first CREATE TABLE statement

Do you want to develop an application and need a database? Create an Oracle Autonomous Database, download the Client Credentials, connect to the database, and create your first table, all in 50 seconds. Without pre-installing any tools. Open the Cloud Shell in your Cloud Console and execute the following few lines after adjusting the values…

AWS RDS for Oracle to Autonomous Database using Zero Downtime Migration

Introduction Zero Downtime Migration (ZDM) provides great automation capabilities to migrate your Oracle Database to Oracle Cloud. After supporting Linux-based platforms, the new version 21.2 also supports cross-platform and even cross-cloud migrations. With this enhancement, now it’s possible to migrate an AWS RDS for Oracle to Oracle Autonomous Database using the offline logical migration method…

Am I Autonomous or non-Autonomous, that is the Question

Introduction As more and more customers are moving their databases to Oracle Cloud, they have a mix of on-premises, Oracle Database Cloud Service, and Oracle Autonomous databases in their environments. DBAs and developers usually use SQL scripts to automate several tasks in the database. In some cases, they want to execute some tasks only on…

How to Import your Data into Oracle Autonomous Database – APEX Service

Introduction As you probably already know, Oracle APEX enables you to build applications with minimal coding. APEX is already available in all Oracle Autonomous Database workload types: transaction processing, data warehouse, and JSON. You get a fully-managed database where you can even more focus on your application development. Additionally, Oracle provides an Autonomous Database specifically…