Tag: Security

Greater Security with Crypto-secure Data Management in Oracle Autonomous Database

Introduction Oracle Autonomous Database provides a fully automated, self-securing database service with a wide range of security features, including: Always-on Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) to secure your data at rest. Automated encrypted backups. SQL*Net encryption for client connections. Oracle-managed and customer-managed encryption keys. Access Control Lists to restrict access to trusted sources only. Database Vault…

Having two valid Database User Passwords at the same time???

Introduction Gradual Database Password Rollover for Applications is a new feature that was introduced in Oracle Database 21c. Now, it is backported and also available in 19c with RU 19.12. It enables to update an application user’s password while keeping the old password valid for a specific period of time. During this period, the application…

Oracle Cloud Services for On-premises Oracle Databases

Introduction We discussed why Oracle Cloud is the best place to run your Oracle databases in a previous blog post. However, it is also understandable that not all databases can be moved to the cloud (yet) and it might be not affordable for everyone to run all of these databases on Cloud@Customer. Keeping your Oracle…

Connect to Oracle (Autonomous) Database using Secure External Password Store (SEPS)

Scripts, batch jobs, and application code need to provide a database username and password to connect to the database. Using wallets risk is reduced because such passwords are no longer exposed in plain text, and password management policies are more easily enforced without changing application code whenever user names or passwords change. Connect using the connect…

Security Features in Oracle Autonomous Database

Security is a primary concern for enterprise customers and one of the most discussed topics when it comes to move to the cloud. The same questions are being raised again and again: Is the cloud secure? Is my data safe their? Does it meet my compliance requirements? Before starting with the technical security features that…