How to create a VM DB System via Oracle Database Service for Azure (ODSA)


Oracle Database Service for Azure (ODSA) automates and simplifies the Interconnect between Azure and Oracle Cloud. Additionally, it provides a Multicloud portal to create Oracle Databases with the same Azure portal experience. As of today, you can use ODSA for the following Oracle Database Cloud Services:

  • Autonomous Database on Shared Exadata Infrastructure (ADB-S)
  • Exadata Database Service on Dedicated Infrastructure (ExaDB-D)
  • Base Database Service (BaseDB) runs on a Virtual Machine, also known as VM DB System.

This blog post provides a step-by-step guide to creating an Oracle Database using the Base Database Service via the ODSA portal.

The Environment

Before creating the database, you need the following environment setup:

  • An Azure subscription linked to your OCI tenancy as described here.
  • An Azure VNet where your application resides and needs access to the Oracle Database. In this example, westeurope_vnet_01 with CIDR

Log in to the ODSA Portal

Remember, the ODSA portal is a web interface with an Azure look and feels, but provided by Oracle, runs on OCI, and is accessible via the following URL:

You always use your Azure credentials to log in.

Create Oracle Database

All Oracle Databases created via the ODSA portal reside on Oracle Cloud. They will be visible and manageable in the OCI Console as any other Oracle Databases created directly via the OCI Console.

From the ODSA portal home page, click on the Base Database icon shown above, then on “Create“:

Select a Resource Group, Region, and enter your VM DB System Name:

The Oracle Database will be created in an OCI Compartment with the same name as the Resource Group.

Click on “Next: Configuration” and provide the information needed. Select “Total node count” of “1” to create a single-instance database and “2” to create a 2-nodes Oracle RAC database:

Click on “Next: Networking”, provide a hostname for the virtual machine, select the Azure VNet (here westeurope_vnet_01) where your application resides, and enter a CIDR range for the OCI VCN that will be automatically created for the Oracle Database in OCI (here

Click on “Next: Security” and enter your SSH public key and SYS user password:

The SSH key used here is the one for the azureuser on the application host app01 on Azure. From there, you will be able to connect the database VM via ssh:

Click on “Next: Management” to enable Automatic Backups, choose a retention period, and backup schedule:

Click on “Next: Tags” to provide Tags if needed.

Click “Next: Review + create” to review all information provided and create the database.

Deployment Process

In the ODSA portal, you will see a Deployment In progress:

Click on the deployment name to see further details:

First, a VCN will be created in OCI with the CIDR block provided ( and linked to the Azure VNet westeurope_vnet_01 selected during the database creation process.

Log in to the OCI Console if you want to see the new VCN created:

Click on the VCN name for more details.

After the network connection is established, the VM DB System will be created. You can see the database in Provisioning status in the ODSA portal:

And in the OCI Console:

After the database is created, it will be available and in Active status:

Database Management

You can execute the common database management tasks using the ODSA portal.


Oracle Database Service for Azure (ODSA) provides the same user experience for Azure users to create Oracle Databases in OCI. The network connectivity is set up and managed entirely by Oracle. Connecting Azure to OCI and building a Multicloud environment has been never so easy.

Further Reading

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